Ogata Gekko gekko portrait Other Prints

This page contains a number of prints that do not belong to Gekko's major series. Two groupings appear to be his first attempt at a particular theme, noteably an early Zuihitsu (1884) and his first attempt at the 100 Fuji group (1892), each contains 3 known prints. The 100 Moonlit Views series (1891) published by Takegawa Risaburo contains only 6 prints, suggesting it was a commercial failure. There are also some other interesting items, including 3 Harimaze (literally 'pasted scraps') diptychs from the late 1880's (some of the images in these appear elsewhere in his work) and an azuri-e.



Kajiwara Kagesue

Kajiwara Kagesue


Saigyo Hoshi

Saigyo Hoshi


Cat child

Unknown reference. The box in the foreground has the Genji mon for Chapter 23 , Hatsune, The First Warbler of Spring but the scene shown is very puzzling.


100 Fuji

Night Attack of Youchi Sukenari

Night Attack of Youchi Sukenari


hawk and pine

Hawk and Pine: Yoshite


Snowfall of Cherry Blossoms

Snowfall of Cherry Blossoms


100 Moonlit Views

Entertainers in Yoshiwara

Entertainers in Yoshiwara


Fishing in Tsukushima

Fishing in Tsukushima


Kobikicho Theater, Music and Color

Kobikicho Theater, Music and Color


Snow on Shiba Maru Mountain

Snow on Shiba Maru Mountain

















Aizuri-e Carp and Wisteria